Empowering Managers to Support Employee Mental Health


Supporting Leaders to Lead with Empathy

In today’s fast-paced work environment, mental health challenges are becoming more prominent, impacting both employee well-being and business productivity. Companies are realizing that supporting employees' mental health isn’t just a benefit, but a necessity. To effectively provide this support, having accessible mental health resources for all employees—including managers—can make a significant impact.

Wave offers a unique, flexible approach to workplace mental health. Rather than relying on complex training programs, Wave provides personalized coaching and evidence-based tools that empower everyone in the organization, from front-line employees to senior leaders, to navigate their mental health challenges with confidence.

Why Employee Mental Health Matters

Mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, and stress are becoming increasingly common in the workplace. In fact, depression and anxiety result in a loss of 12 billion workdays every year, costing the global economy over $1 trillion in lost productivity. For businesses, the impact is clear: lower engagement, increased absenteeism, and reduced productivity can all be traced back to unaddressed mental health concerns.

Supporting employee mental health is not just about offering reactive resources; it's about providing proactive, ongoing support. Many companies focus on providing Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) or occasional wellness workshops, but these can be limited in their ability to address the diverse and ongoing mental health needs of employees. Wave, on the other hand, offers an individualized approach that enables employees to access support when they need it most.

The Role of Managers in Employee Mental Health

Managers are often the first to notice changes in their team's behavior—whether it’s a drop in productivity, increased absenteeism, or signs of stress and burnout. However, without the right tools and resources, even the most well-meaning managers may feel unprepared to handle these situations. Many are unsure how to approach conversations about mental health or how to guide employees toward helpful resources. This uncertainty can lead to missed opportunities for intervention or, in some cases, unintentional harm by not addressing the issue early on.

Wave can help bridge this gap. Our platform offers accessible, one-on-one coaching for all employees, including managers, allowing them to manage their own well-being while being better equipped to support their teams. Wave’s approach ensures that managers don’t need to become mental health experts—rather, they can confidently direct their employees to the professional, tailored support available through the platform.

Key Components of Wave’s Mental Health Support

Spotting Mental Health Struggles in Your Team

1. Recognizing Signs of Mental Health Struggles
While managers may not always know how to directly address mental health issues, they are often the first to recognize signs of distress in their teams. This might include changes in behavior, such as increased irritability, reduced productivity, or withdrawal from group activities. Physical symptoms like fatigue, headaches, or frequent illness can also be indicators of underlying mental health challenges, such as stress or anxiety.

Wave provides managers with the assurance that they don’t need to diagnose or solve these problems themselves. Instead, they can guide employees toward personalized support through Wave’s platform, where employees can receive professional coaching tailored to their specific needs, from stress management to coping with anxiety or depression.

Creating a Culture of Mental Health Openness

2. Promoting Open Communication
Creating an environment where employees feel safe to discuss their mental health is crucial, but it’s often easier said than done. Many employees hesitate to open up about their struggles for fear of judgment, repercussions, or simply not being understood.

Wave helps normalize mental health conversations by providing employees with a confidential, supportive space to address their challenges. Managers can encourage their teams to take advantage of this resource, knowing that the support offered through Wave is compassionate and evidence-based. With our coaching platform, employees are more likely to feel comfortable opening up about their mental health, knowing that they’ll receive personalized support.

3. Support for Managers’ Mental Health
It’s important to remember that managers, too, are navigating their own mental health journeys. Whether they’re dealing with stress from leading teams through challenging times or balancing their own work-life responsibilities, managers also need mental health resources they can rely on.

Wave is here for them, too. Our platform offers managers the same level of personalized coaching and support that’s available to all employees, helping them manage their own mental health so they can show up for their teams with clarity, empathy, and resilience.

Building Resilience and Preventing Burnout

4. Building Resilience and Preventing Burnout
Burnout is one of the most pervasive mental health challenges in the modern workplace, often stemming from long hours, high expectations, and a lack of work-life balance. Managers play a crucial role in mitigating burnout by setting realistic expectations for their teams, encouraging regular breaks, and fostering a culture that respects boundaries. However, they also need to ensure their own resilience.

Wave’s coaching programs focus on building long-term resilience in both employees and managers. Through our platform, individuals can learn techniques to manage stress, set healthy boundaries, and improve their emotional well-being, ensuring that they not only survive but thrive in their roles.

How Wave’s Mental Health Resources Benefit Your Organization

1. Increased Engagement and Productivity
Employees and managers who feel supported in their mental health are more likely to be engaged and productive. By providing ongoing access to coaching through Wave, organizations can reduce presenteeism (when employees are physically present but mentally unengaged) and absenteeism. This leads to a more focused, effective workforce.

2. Reduced Turnover
Mental health challenges are a leading cause of employee turnover, particularly among younger workers. By providing accessible mental health resources through Wave, your organization can help employees and managers alike address their challenges before they lead to burnout or resignation. This not only improves retention but also helps you keep your top talent.

3. Creating a Culture of Well-Being
Fostering a mentally healthy workplace is about more than offering resources—it’s about building a culture where mental health is prioritized. Wave’s coaching services make mental health support a core part of your organization’s culture, promoting open communication, reducing stigma, and creating a more resilient workforce.

4. Supporting Leaders to Lead with Empathy
Leaders who are equipped to handle their own mental health challenges are better prepared to support their teams. Wave’s coaching empowers managers to lead with empathy, fostering stronger relationships with their teams and creating a more positive, productive work environment.

Why Choose Wave?

At Wave, we understand that mental health is not a one-size-fits-all issue. Every individual’s journey is different, which is why we provide personalized coaching that adapts to the specific needs of your workforce. From managing daily stress to addressing deeper issues like anxiety or depression, Wave’s coaches are here to help.

With our virtual platform, employees and managers alike can access the support they need anytime, anywhere—without the need for specialized mental health training programs. Wave is here to help your organization create a mentally healthy, resilient workplace where everyone can thrive.

Ready to provide your team with the mental health support they need?
Schedule a demo today to see how Wave can transform your organization’s approach to mental health.


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